Saturday, January 15, 2011

Trudging slowly through ongoing mud

I saw this quiz at The Boston Bibliophile and it looked so much fun that I had to do it myself. Even though I usually don't post the results of fun quizzes on this blog, this one turned out to be just too accurate (if a little dark) not to write about it.

According to I am

You're The Things They Carried!

by Tim O'Brien

Harsh and bitter, you tell it like it is. This usually comes in short,
dramatic spurts of spilling your guts in various ways. You carry a heavy load, and this
has weighed you down with all the horrors that humanity has to offer. Having seen and
done a great deal that you aren't proud of, you have no choice but to walk forward,
trudging slowly through ongoing mud. In the next life, you will come back as a water

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


  1. I haven't taken that quiz but....

    A) Loved that book

    B) That description sounds just like me. XD


  2. Very interesting. I took the quiz and got The Hobbit: "All you wanted was a nice cup of tea when some haggard crazy old man came into your life and told you it was time to do something with yourself. Now you're all conflicted about whether to stick with your stay-at-home lifestyle or follow this crazy person into the wild. While you're very short and a little furry, you seem to be surrounded by an even greater quantity of short folks lately. Try not to lose your ring, but keep its value in perspective!"


  3. I took it too, love quizzes, though I am not very Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy like..or am I

  4. Well, at least it's a great book! I'm not sure I'd like the idea of coming back as a water buffalo, though!
