Sunday, December 6, 2009

Virtual Advent Tour 2009 - for kids, it's presents' time twice this month.

Today in Poland, children wake up to presents from St. Nicholas (Święty Mikołaj). I am writing about this particular country because I am a native of it and have only been living in the U.S for 8 years. I figured I would talk about two aspects of Advent and Christmas that are near & dear to me: tradition and religion.

Growing up, the best time of the year (right after summer vacation, of course) was always the whole month of December. I was raised in a devout Roman Catholic family and it had always been evident in how we celebrated holidays. And trust me we, kids had a lot of fun despite what some might think when 'devout Catholic' is mentioned. Anyway, here's the layout of what we did during the advent.
It all begins on November 30th when we celebrate the St. Andrew's day (Andrzejki - un'djeykee). It is the last day before the advent and the last day before Christmas to dance, drink (yes, adults have some crazy parties then), fool around and just be simply crazy. There is also a lot of pagan mystique in a form of fortune-telling, esp. regarding love, marriage and relationships (it's no surprise that pagan practices are used in Catholic traditions and to be honest with you I, together with other children, had always known that Polish tradition had a lot of pagan elements in it from the times before we had become a Christian country). For instance, people melt wax and pour it into cold water to see the shadows the melted wax makes on the walls - different shapes mean different things for the future and a lot of times it's just fun trying to figure out what your future holds. Anyway, I am digressing. St. Andrew's day, or rather night, is the time of celebration and fun because on December 1st the advent begins and lasts for 24 days, until first day of Christmas (the strike of midnight to be precise). Advent is the time of calm, quiet days when we would spend a lot of time praying and anticipating the birth of Jesus. Admittedly, it may seem a little strict for people who have never practiced it but it really wasn't overly so for us kids. We couldn't play any loud music, there were no parties, no dancing, no major celebrations such as weddings, christenings and such. It sometimes did seem a little tough but it made the celebration of Christmas that much more festive and happier.

The only little break for children is December 6th, Mikołajki (meekowaykee) - St. Nicholas' Day. This is the day (more specifically night of Dec. 5 & 6) when Santa Claus comes to children and leaves them presents under pillows, under beds or somewhere hidden. I remember this day to be tons of fun even though we didn't really get crazy gifts kids do nowadays (no Wii's, laptop computers and such). But as children we were on our best behavior for about three months prior to the St. Nicholas day because we truly believed that otherwise we would get coal or a rod instead of a present.
Today I am a mom, I live in a different country, different culture and I do not celebrate Mikołajki. My daughter is fully Americanized and even though she does speak Polish and I know she would love to get gifts twice this month, the whole thing just wouldn't have the same charm mainly because we (I mean my closest family) are not such orthodox Catholics. We do continue the Christmas Eve tradition though but I will talk about this one in another post (on Dec. 24).

For more talk about holidays, please visit Melissa @ Book Nut, Chris @ Stuff As Dreams Are Made On & Stephanie @ Stephanie's Confessions of a Bookaholic.


  1. I love reading about your Polish traditions...thanks for sharing!

  2. Great idea for a post. Thanks for joining in and happy holidays!

  3. I've never really understood what Advent is....Thank you for telling us about it.

    Stop by my blog if you get a chance and take a look at my list of favorite children's Christmas picture books. A winter storm knocked out our Internet connection yesterday, so I ended up posting today.

  4. That was a fascinating post, Lilly. Thanks so much for sharing. I love hearing about traditions in other countries... can't wait until the 24th to hear about those!

  5. I loved this stop on the Advent Blog Tour! My sister-in-law comes from Poland, and so does my former choir director. I enjoyed your pronunciation guide to the special days (Andrzejki and Mikołajki.) The melted-wax fortune telling is something I've never heard about before. That's what's so fun about this tour.

  6. I love hearing about other people's celebrations. My partner is a first-generation American, so he, too, grew up celebrating St. Nicholas Day, a tradition that means a lot to him.

  7. It's so interesting hearing about how other people celebrate the holidays. Thanks for the wonderful post on the Virtual Advent Tour.

  8. Oh, I'm so sorry for not replying earlier! The internet connection in my area was down for the last 2 weeks and I couldn't even check my mail.


  9. Thanks a lot for sharing Polish traditions. I am Danish, and while we are the most boring Protestants (and not that devout) you can imagine, I find it fascinating to read about. I've often wanted to visit Poland, after all, there is a direct ferry from Copenhagen, but somehow I have never gotten around to it. Anyway, that is another talk. Loved your sharing of traditions, and before I had read your post, the image with the pentagram and the candle made me think that you were going to talk about celebrating winter solstice out in the woods or something like that ;-)

  10. What a nice post! I have friends who are Polish, so now I feel like I know a little more about what they might miss about home. Thank you!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing Lilly, I didnt really know anything about Polish christmas traditions.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I was not aware of these Polish traditions; very interesting. Both of my parents were Polish, but were born in the US; their parents were born in Poland though.

  14. What an interesting post! My grandmother was Polish so it was really cool to see what things might've been like for her as a child.

