Sunday, August 16, 2009

July Reads

Goodness gracious! What a measly month in reading! I am telling you, I wasn't kidding when I kept saying that I was in a reading rut. And do you know what is worse than a reading rut? A reviewing rut! I felt all 'reviewed up' and honestly could not bring myself up to review even the total of five books. Fortunately, this bad month has come to an end (long time ago, might I say. I completely forgot about posting the summary.) and I can concentrate on moving forward and maybe reading a little more in August.

1. Lucky by Alice Sebold - a very harsh and at times painful memoir about the rape and the life after by the author of Lucky Bones (which I have yet to read).

2. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein - a really beautiful novel which I didn't review simply because so many other people did and all the reviews were brilliant, and I didn't really have anything new to say.

3. House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III - I actually wasn't crazy about this one at all, it was very slow at times especially the first half. It did make up for the slowness towards the end and the ending was very tragic.

4. Labyrinth by Kate Mosse - the only book that was honored with a review.

5. Annette Vallon by James Tipton - a very good historical fiction about French Revolution. It did make me want to read more about this period in history and the prose is beautiful. I may yet write a review.


1. Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan - I didn't like it.

2. Dark Prince by Christine Feehan - I didn't like it even more.


  1. I know what you mean about struggling to review, I'm not having a problem reading but sometimes reviewing seems like such a chore even though I love the book. I hold off on reviewing until I'm in a better mood, because I really wouldn't want my lack of motivation to spoil a good read for someone.
    I'd like to read The Art of Racing in the Rain ~ I've only actually seen one review of this and it was a great one but then I forgot about it until I saw it on your blog. Hope your mojo returns soon :-)

  2. I have been struggling with my reviews lately, too. Sometimes I feel like I don't give a book enough praise, and it's hard for me to be descriptive and informative most of the time. I think it stems from grade school...I loved reading but dreaded doing book reports. :)

  3. I LOVED The Art of Racing in the Rain (i'm sure I've said this 50 times at least) LOL -- Enzo is my hero.

  4. I'm having a hard time with reviews this month. I just can't seem to get my words out the way I want.

  5. I have to be in just the right mood to attempt a review, and it seems like the times I'm in that mood are getting fewer and further between! I just finished two pretty decent books, but lack the motivation to review either. Hopefully sometime this week the bug will strike!

    I didn't like House of Sand and Fog at all. It's not that it wasn't well written enough, it's just that all the characters and their doomed, tragic actions just made me want to knock some sense into them!

  6. piping in to say you are not alone with the summertime reading and reviewing rut =) It's attacked me as well!

  7. I got House of Sand and Fog several years ago at a library sale, and I couldn't get into. It was so slow, I was bored out of my mind, and dozing off every time I picked it up. I put it aside thinking I'd give it a try some other time, but I haven't been able to bring myself to try again.

    Diary of an Eccentric
