Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekly Geeks: Second Chances

Here's Weekly Geeks for this week:

There have been times in my life where I reread a book (or author) I hated--or thought I hated--but the second time around ended up loving. Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever changed your mind about a book or author the second time around? Have you ever given a book or author a second chance?
If you have, I'd love to hear your stories. Blog about your experience(s) in giving second chances.

If you haven't, I'd like you to consider giving a book or an author a second chance. You can blog about your intentions to do so--or if you're a quick reader, maybe you can even squeeze something in!

Can't think of a single book or author? Don't worry, you can stretch this one to include movies or music if you prefer.

I love to give second chances. Unfortunately it has not happened with my favorite thing, books. I now realize that I am very unforgiving when it comes to reading bad (in my opinion) books. So, to cut it short, I do not have a book that I gave a second chance. However, I am glad that there is part two to this question. It made me rethink my harsh judgement as to the books I didn't like and I indeed have come up with two titles that I am willing to give a second chance.

1. Moby Dick by Herman Melville

I cannot tell you often enough how much I sweated and how many tears of frustration I poured over this book in college. Because it gave me such a hard time, and because I did not finish it, and as a consequence I believe I failed a quiz test, you can imagine the resentment I felt towards Moby Dick. But now, it is 10 years later and I think I have grown up mentally a little bit (at least I hope I have, who knows, maybe I've regressed and am being a tad bit optimistic here). Anyway, I am fully prepared to take my chances and give this classic another shot.

2. The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant

I disliked this book so much that when I wrote a review of it right after having finished it, I believe I might have been too harsh. It's been a few months since, so my guilty memory is still quite fresh. I know that this author is loved by many and there just must have been something I missed while reading the book. I own two other books by this author, including the ARC of Sacred Hearts, and I will definitely give this author a second chance because the guilty feelings will not stop until I do.


  1. I've never read either of these books. I really should read Moby Dick though!

  2. I am not good at giving boring or bad books a second chance either, at least not if I have finished them and judged the whole book poor. Now and then I read a chapter and put a book away which I later pick up again and enjoy. But I think that is because some books are for sleepy holidays, others are more demanding.

  3. Moby Dick is a very funny book. Take it a chapter a night and don't worry about trying to get it. Some chapters are straight up adventure and some are just silly (like the chapter on whether or not whales are fish).

  4. Hi Lilly, I read one of Sarah Dunant's books and didn't enjoy it either and like you I keep thinking I should give this author another go.

  5. Maybe we should have a short little Moby Dick online book club. I've been meaning to try reading this again, but I've been putting it off. Safety in numbers!

  6. OOO! I'll join in the Moby Dick online book club! I have this and really someday hope to actually read it.
    I read The Birth of Venus but for the life of me, I can't think of what I thought of it. I don't think I disliked it, tho.

  7. I read the abridged version of Moby Dick in high school, and even that was too long and boring. However, I have actually considered an attempt to read this one again, too. Maybe someday!

  8. Moby Dick has been on my TBR list for years and yet has never made it to the top...I'm a little scared of it

  9. I've been planning to give Sarah Dunant a second chance too. I think I liked THE BIRTH OF VENUS a bit more than you did, but the first hundred pages or so annoyed me so much that I'd have abandoned it if I'd had another book handy.
